Case Study — Designing an Omni-Channel User Experience

Kristin Zibell
2 min readJul 19, 2023


“How do we redesign the user experience so that every page is a landing page?”

graphic that shows a user flow schematic

Google taught searchers that it’s a safe bet we’ll find what we need when we do. Apple taught designers that any web site must look and feel amazing on a 4 inch screen. This means that a person’s introduction to a corporate web site may not be the home page on a large beautiful monitor of an agency designer, but whatever page Google determines on a smartphone. That entrance to the corporate site (and the brand) better be inviting. This design ethos of “any page is a landing page” was the foundation for the redesign of the a large enterprise software website.


I led the UX activities in collaboration with business stakeholders. I wanted make sure a person’s entrance, landing, and path on the .com was welcoming by asking two questions:

  1. Who are the users?
  2. What does success look like for them?

To answer this question, I moved forward in the following ways:

  • Looked at industry analysis on the buyer’s journey
  • Interviewed customer representatives and stakeholders to identify key user problems and current solutions
  • Reviewed behavioral data from the website,
  • Conducted workshops with key stakeholders to focus on user success.


As a results of this work, I was able to understand the full user journey — how most of the audience came to the site, not through the home page, but any page was their landing page and then chart out their path from first step to task completion.

From this data and strategy, I created an information architecture and page designs that did a few things:

  • each page told the user where they were,
  • what they could do while they were on the page, and
  • showed them clear next steps to achieve that success.

The result was a fresh corporate website that greeted people with varying goals, welcomed them in, and made them comfortable enough to engage, no matter their entry point.

